Sep 23, 2007

Don't bother me!!!!!!!!!!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I missed the last class because I went to NY finance trip with Kogod!!! 
It was kinda intense and sorta productive. I am totally exhausted after this trip.
Since my father had a business trip to florida, I had to meet him right after the trip (no time to go to MoMa!!! it was my 5th visit and everytime I tried to go to MoMa, I failed for some reasons)

Anyway, dad and I stopped by alot of car dealershops to buy a car over this weekend(he's snoring now..). Our first visited site was Honda, I testdrove on car.  For a test drive, a salesman asked me my number and DL. I thought he will make me annoying by calling me to push me to buy a car.. well it was not like that.
When I was in, 4thish dealershop (2hours later), I got a call with the number starting 888-***-****. I pick it up. It was a Honda customer service in order to do the survey. I was talking to another salesman and helping my dad to understand what the conditions are, etc.  Imagine that sales guy talk to a guy. A guy do not understand fully. A guys daughter as an assistance is doing nothing but talking on the phone and say the random things. I tried to hang it up asap. It lasts 5 mins.  5mins could be long or short time.  But at that situation  it was long. So, on the question "does salesman give you the number after you test drive?" I couldn't remember because I had visited other places and I couldn't remember the exact number. So profound that I can't focus on this conversation with the other dealer and dad.  I tried to finish the conversation, "yeayea it was good good". She said "thank you, blah blah blah." oh yeeeassss! it's over!! yay!!!

Um, a phone survey can get the fastest response anytime. But the result of survey can't be accurate.  CRM, customer support sound good even to me until I reacted like that to the customer center. Could there be some other not-annoyable, accurate way to study people/customers? is that the best way for now? I don't know yet because I just don't want to be bothered.


Map Finder said...

Wow... this was kind of intense. I too have been in situations when either telemarketers or survey people call, and frankly, I either just don't feel like talking to a random stranger at that moment, or I'm busy doing something else. When I get doing something, my thought processes focus entirely on that thing, and when I get a telemarketing call, for example, that interrupts my intense work ethic, it makes me upset. I will either tell them to call later, or if I need a break, I'll indulge them. When I do indulge them, however, I'm much more likely to exaggerate the things I'm saying, or play victim to the Hawthorne Effect, in which I'll just tell them exactly what they want to hear. Talk about annoying! You can't expect more than about 35-40% accurate responses from phone polling...

Jillmogie said...
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Jillmogie said...

Marketers aren't dumb. While telephone surveys are a great way to get responses or information, the interviewer is cognizant of the fact that there can other stimuli or factors affecting the survey.

Its just stupid that these marketers don't recognize (well they may recognize just not care) that the person is busy and to call back later. Obviously in your case, you were busy and didn't have time to talk or participate in the survey and the marketer should have offered to call back later. This would have made for better survey results and a happy customer.