Sep 10, 2007

Trust based network works

At the IT Conversation from MeshForum, Dr. Karen Stephenson talked about social network analysis.  The one thing I can't forget is about transactional network vs. trust based network.  I can't agree with her more in terms of trust-based network, which is the better network.

There must be tons of examples, but I've got a simple one.
I have never detached from group project since my college life as an business major student began.  Let's say a professor makes the group to work on the project together.  The purpose of this teams is transactional.  This team will discuss project and communicate with one another.  There are many measurable transactions including phone calls, emails, and meetings.  They interact so much. However, once the project is done, there is no transaction and communication usually.  Of course, I do experience those situations. I don't usually communicate with project teams unless we are friends before. On the other hand, there is a group of random people who hang out, eat out together, talk on the phone, and discuss personal stuffs.  These highlight the trust-based network.  In terms of the degrees of communication and interaction during the project, transactional network can be higher than trust based one.  But, trust based one is stronger and lasts longer.  


Map Finder said...

I agree that I rarely speak with group team members after a group project is over. I will say "hi" if I see them in public, and I will put them on my mass mailing list for occasionally ridiculous things I find and feel the need to share (i.e. Yesterday Amazon said a package of mine had arrived in Washington, D.C. on December 31st, 1969, at 3:59:59 pm. Obviously something is wrong with this picture). But the trust based networks are much better, as you've pointed out, because they last longer and are based on the choice of friendship, not being forced to work in a group with someone. I prefer, however, to turn forced group relationships into more personal ones, assuming I get along with the people I am working with.

rachbrandon said...

It's interesting that you point out that the trust based network is stronger. I can't agree with you more. I guess I would explain that due to the fact that this network is built on a foundation. Without a foundation the whole thing is bound to collapse which is probably why we don't associate with class mates after we have no need for them. Sure they were great when that monster of a project was due but I'd rather hold on to the people who mean something to me.